Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spheres and Cubes

8 x 8" oil on canvas panel; Black, White & Red series


  1. Connie, I am so very sorry for your loss. Such beautiful last words and such a supportive parent! Was your Mother an artist also?

    My father passed away at Easter time in 2007, and though I still miss him more at this time of year, it felt to me that Easter was a blessed time for his transition. My condolences to you and your family.

  2. Thank you, Mona. No, She was not an artist, unless knitting counts. But she was smart, generous, cheerful, a treasure to her many friends, and a wonderful mother, concerned only about us, to the very end. In addition to all the agonizing times over the past 11 weeks, we had a lot of beautiful ones. All of her friends and family had the opportunity to tell her how much they love her and say goodbye. Overall things probably could not have gone closer to script for her. I'm sure she would think none of the timing was a coincidence and enjoys knowing we will always remember her on Easter--and remember Easter whenever we think of her.


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